Dear Fellow Postdocs,
Hope that everyone’s Fall term is going well. We have been busy with gearing up for the 6th Annual Society for Postdoctoral Scholars (SOPS) Postdoctoral Symposium. If you know of any Postdocs or graduate students who are not aware of the SOPS symposium, please make them aware of an exciting research-related opportunity happening this coming February (see announcement below).
Do you like to publicize your research? The SOPS Symposium is an excellent way to engage with the broader research community in either an oral or poster presentation format. We will also have a juried competition for best research presentation. The submissions will feature Postdocs and graduate students from a variety of disciplines, so be sure to submit your work and/or register today!
In the more immediate future, we would like to organize a session for interested Postdocs to practice their job talk or more generally gain exposure to public speaking. But before we schedule a formal date, we need to know who is interested in presenting. If you would like to present (or even simply attend as an audience member), please contact either Bradly Alicea ( or Maryam Shakiba ( We will then determine a meeting time and place. Should be a fun time!
The 6th Annual SOPS Symposium is Coming Soon!
Mark your calendars for February 5th, 2016 as a day of research exposure and valuable networking opportunities. After a highly successful 2015 Symposium, the 2016 symposium promises to be even better. This year’s symposium is sponsored by the Graduate College and the Provost’s Office, and will be hosted at the Beckman Institute. Our keynote speaker is Dr. Adam Kruse from the School of Music. He will be presenting a keynote lecture entitled “Bring the Noise: Challenging the Relationships Between Hip-Hop and School Music”.
Abstracts submission and registration opens on October 15th, and will be open until January 15th, 2016. The registration fee is $15 for all participants. This includes coffee, a light breakfast, catered lunch, and light evening refreshments at the reception. As the number of oral presentations are limited, those abstracts not selected for oral presentations will be offered poster presentations. Graduate students are particularly encouraged to submit abstracts for the poster session. Travel awards will be available. The abstract word limit is 200 words.
For more information, please visit our website:
To register, please follow this link:
We look forward to seeing you there!
Other events during the month of November include:
Writing Learning Objectives. November 9, 3:00-4:30pm. 428 Armory (registration, directions).
Career Exploration Group. November 9, 3:30-5:00pm. 304 Coble Hall (registration, directions).
Orientation Session for New Postdocs. November 12, 3:30-5:00pm. 304 Coble Hall (registration, directions).
Backwards Course Design. November 16, 3:00-4:30pm. (registration, directions).
Understanding Impact: Impact Factor and Other Bibliometrics. November 17, 11:00-11:50am. 314 Library (registration, directions).
The Role of Web 2.0 Tools and Digital Practice in Doing Open Science. November 17, 2:00-3:00pm. 126 GSLIS or via Lync (registration, directions). |
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